2024 Round Up – New blog, Chinese journey and favourite media

2024 has been a crazy year for my Chinese journey and other aspects of my life. I started this blog, I finished reading 天官赐福 in Chinese, and I finally feel that I’ve reached a comfortable spot in my Chinese journey.

In this post, I’ll talk about my blogging journey, things I’ve learnt from it, where my Chinese is, and some of my favourite media of the year.

Not only is this post for me to recap in the future but also, I hope, as an inspiration for you. I know you all love reading journey posts, so here goes…

Learn Chinese to read danmei webnovels for under $100

Reading danmei in Chinese is the more cost-effective than reading the official translated versions, but the benefits go beyond the cost. It enables you to access content you otherwise couldn’t have and opens doors to new communities and fandoms.

You may think learning Chinese, especially to a high proficiency level to read danmei webnovels, will require taking an expensive course or studying for a few years in a Chinese-speaking country. This may have been true many years ago, but not in 2024.

Improve your reading skills as a Mandarin Chinese heritage speaker

“How do I learn to read as a Chinese heritage speaker?” is a common question asked by many people of Chinese heritage all over the world.

Learning a language was a difficult challenge before the easy access to media and the availability of learning tools. Technology and the internet have changed our world in unimaginable ways, and this is much easier than before, especially for heritage speakers.

I am a Cantonese heritage speaker who has been learning Mandarin Chinese for 4 years. I’m going to show you ways you, as a Mandarin heritage speaker, can quickly and easily learn to read!

A Mega List of Free Danmei Webnovels with Chinese Language Difficulty Rating

Reading free webnovels is a great way to enter the world of native content. These webnovels typically do not require an account to access, which takes away the daunting task of navigating a native website to set up an account.

In this post, I’ve listed a selection of free webnovels that I’ve read and enjoyed and categorised them across different difficulty brackets.

Is it worth learning Mandarin Chinese for danmei webnovels?

Learning a new language is challenging and requires dedication over a long period, and it can be difficult to decide if it’s worth it.

Have you been considering taking up the challenge of learning Chinese for danmei? Are you wondering if it’s worth it at all? Have you also wondered if anyone else has managed to achieve the goal of reading danmei webnovels in Chinese?

Let me tell you, it’s completely worth it.

From Chinese intermediate to Chinese native webnovels in 18 months

I will share with you my experience of spending 18 months reading original Chinese novels every single day — novels I had previously not read in another language or consumed the story in another form (i.e. a TV show or movie).

I jumped straight into original Chinese work because reading something like Harry Potter in Chinese just didn’t interest me. I’m generally not interested in re-reading books, even in another language.

The Ultimate List of Mobile Games with Mandarin Chinese Voice Over

Voice-overs enhance the immersive experience of games, and an increasing number of mobile games are released with high-quality voice acting from renowned voice actors.

In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in the number of high-quality mobile games originating from China, with the majority, if not all, incorporating a complete cast of voice actors in multiple languages. All fully voiced acted from main story scenes to side stories to events. The mobile gaming experience have never been so immersive.

Let me share all the globally released mobile games I know with high-quality Mandarin Chinese voice acting.